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Seize the Dongying implementation of the "big open, big investment, big development strategic opportunity, established in collaboration with the world's top 500 companies, become Dongying's first collaboration with the world's top 500 enterprises, a corporate headquarters city, the region to achieve a strategic shift.


Into the field of real estate development.


Shares listed on the Shanghai stock exchange, the city's first listed private enterprises.


Cooperative Highway Bureau Group and the Provincial Communications Department, using the BOT mode of investment, construction and operation of a certain bridge opened to traffic, becoming the first private enterprises and government in the north of the Changjiang River bridge construction using BOT model.


Institute of engineering design, occupation of the commanding heights of the industry.


The outbreak of the financial crisis, the State encourages the private capital into the banking credit business group, initiate the establishment of small loan companies, Shandong province has become the first batch of small loan company pilot.


Set up a financial leasing company in Beijing to provide financing channels for small and medium enterprises.


The establishment of the development company, to provide a platform for the development of a high long small and medium-sized enterprises; the same year and reached a strategic cooperation and exploration in the field of mineral resources for hospitals.
佛学| 翁牛特旗| 葫芦岛市| 延寿县| 兖州市| 镇远县| 湖口县| 杨浦区| 芮城县| 来凤县| 平原县| 江阴市| 炎陵县| 方城县| 广灵县| 吉水县| 从化市| 达孜县| 论坛| 延川县| 依安县| 阿巴嘎旗| 彰化市| 汽车| 桐梓县| 台前县| 临泽县| 古浪县| 绥江县| 贵州省| 无锡市| 平顶山市| 贵南县| 固原市| 聂荣县| 安仁县| 罗江县| 德州市| 兴仁县| 长武县| 光山县|